Affiliate Program
Equipping leaders to take the next step.
The Journey to Wholeness Affiliate Program helps health practitioners, churches, non-profit organizations, and business bring mental, emotional, and spiritual health, healing and wholeness to their communities through a local group course option.
Given that 2 in 5 adults in the US report living with a mental illness, it is no surprise that businesses, organizations and churches are experiencing a growing number of challenges in their workforce like anxiety, depression, and relational conflicts which impacts work performance, team communication and overall culture.
Do you feel equipped to handle the mental and emotional challenges of your team members?
As a faith based leader, you have the unique opportunity to help your teams make hope, healing and wholeness a priority. Investing in the mental and emotional well being of your teams benefits both the business and the individual. Increasing productivity, decreasing absenteeism and increasing relational wholeness and wellness are just a few of the benefits of a healthy workforce.
Sign Up.
Join our community of practitioners, churches and organizations who are facilitating local Journey to Wholeness Group Courses through the Affiliate Program.
Share Journey to Wholeness course options with your clients and community. We set up and administer the registration process, social media promotion, and listing on our website and provide the customized linking tools.
Earn up to 40% of qualifying course revenues. Our flexible course rate options help you maximize earnings for your business or practice or minimize the cost for your church and non-profit based participants, you choose!
How does the Affiliate program work?
How do I earn in the program?
How do I learn more about the program?
Who are your current affiliates?
Want more information about becoming an affiliate of J2W? Fill out this form!